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Gracias por compartir este juego me gusto mucho

I liked it, it's simple, short and a little spooky. I think the only thing I didn't like was the ending, but overall pretty fun

Congratulations for creating this very mysterious game, I want you to subscribe to my YouTube channel please friend, greetings!!

Te encuentras atrapado en la espeluznante escalera de un rascacielos abandonado ¿Encontrarás el camino hacia la libertad o la escalera siniestra se cobrará otra víctima?

Muchas gracias por compartir el juego, me ha gustado, saludos!!!

¡Gracias por jugar! Espero que les haya gustado :)

Your game starts at 08:24. This being your first game and it being so good, we will be looking forward to your next work. The lighting was done very well as it was dim enough to have that eerie feel but not so dark that we couldn't see where to go. Details like the red ball, door numbers changing, and the surrounding buildings being terrifyingly huge were smart additions. Our only suggestion would be to have multiple endings, like a choice to make at the very end to determine what you get. You did such a great job making the world interesting. Keep on creating!  

Thanks a lot for nice thoughts :)

Nice! Begins at game 1! 

Thanks for playing! I hope you liked it :)

Nice concept

Thanks for playing!

Very nice!

Yes, actually my starting point was the scp stairs story. Thanks for playing!

Very nice first game and horror game! *spoilers ahead* The only thing that was a little anticlimatic were those fades outs, because it broke both the sense of continuity and the growing tension of the moment. But the rest was pretty good for a first game!

You're right, it would have been better to maintain the tension. Thanks for playing!

Nice this was absolutely great game I like it a lot looking forward more your game in future anyway well done keep it up!

Thank you very much!

good for first game

keep going

Thank youu! :)